C3Placements don’t just help people find jobs, we match you to your dream job. Life is made for living and no job should be a drag.

Connecting Candidate and Clients Creatively

At The Recruitment Crowd we’re trusted for our no bull recruitment service. That’s why we partner some of the world’s most successful organisations.


8+ Years

Jobs Posted

Matches Made


Current openings




What We Do

We Build Lasting Relationships Between Candidates & Businesses

Get a Match

Connect People with the Right Jobs for Them

Social Presence

Get Your Job Postings & Company Info Out to the World


Career Advice & Candidate Resources


Resume Feedback & Makeovers

Our other Services

We are engaged in services of recruiting, consulting and analytics


We’re reshaping the future of resourcing and consulting. By making the right connections, from analyst to expert, we help ambitious companies and people affect meaningful growth – for a day, a month, a year or forever.

Resume Writing

Our format provide you strong design and typography principles, resulting in maximum readability and a better first impression with the recruiter.


 Handwriting Analysis (Graphology) is used as a tool for assessing the right candidate for a job position worldwide from decades. USA, UK, Switzerland, Italy, Germany and other European countries are one of the counties in which Graphology is being used as tool in recruitment process very actively.

Career Counselling

Everyone needs a counselor, to help them understand themselves and to be understood. We comes across so many forums and discussions that do not believe in the magic of counselling much alone career counselling.

Our Clients

And what they say about us

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Jake Donavan

Designer, Elegant Themes

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Jessica Nichols

CEO, Turn Studios

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.

Rozaro Federar

Head Chef, Divi Restaurant

Looking for resourceful Candidates?

At C3Placements,we are absolutely committed to finding and placing candidates into the best possible roles with companies based on their interests

Looking for a job you deserve?

Our substantial goal is to provide opportunities to candidates who deserves the best role and value paid based on their skill set and experience. We consult as well as assist you to find the perfect workplace which not only provides you with job satisfaction but also rewards with the best remuneration in market. 

Let’s Work Together

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.